Just a minute in 1865: Money matters

1864 Annual Report:       RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE:-From the Treasurer’s account, herewith presented, it will be perceived the expenses of the institution in 1864 were unusually large, in fact, so far in excess of reliable income, as well from the public Treasury as from private subscriptions and all  other sources, that the doors must needs have closed had not the Government, with extreme courtesy and liberality- which, as your committee were thereby relieved from a weighty pecuniary responsibility,  they at least can appreciate= procured a supplementary grant in aid….The gross receipts amounted to £ ??268 14s 11d, and the disbursements to £3362 12s 4d. … to acknowledge with many thanks, the following special donations:- Proceeds, collections, Church of England, £16 1s 8d. ; Roman Catholic Church, £56 0s 4d. ; lecture by Dr. Lang per Rev. S. Wilson, £5 8s 4d. theatrical benefits, Messrs. Young, £9 4s. 0d. ; the Campbell Minstrels, £8 12s 6d. ; and donation Burton’s Circus, £5 5s. 0d.

20th April:           … write to Mr Wilcox at the Railway Works enclosing a List of Patients, admitted into the Hospital therefrom, together with the Amount due for treatment … (£142…19…0)

11th May:              Letter enclosing a Cheque for £142. 19. 0 for Patients…

18th May:             … letter prepared in order to be sent to the Hon. The Colonial Secretary for Queensland praying for an increased subsidy and setting forth the grounds of application.

29th June:            A letter from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary …a further grant of £1000. had been placed upon the estimates to meet the contingencies of the Hospital for the current year.

20th July:               … write to R I Smith reminding him of his promised Subscription of Five Guineas.

27th July:              Resolved that Contribution boxes be placed in the Banks or other public places.

17th August:         Resolved that Tickets for the admission of Patients be given to each Clergyman in the proportion of one ticket for every Ten Pounds collected at a Special Appeal made to his congregation in aid of the funds of the Hospital.

19th October:      … the Secretary be instructed to write to the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer requesting that the Surplus Poundage Fees of this District may be paid … to the credit of this Hospital.

12th January:      …that the Committee would “receive” £300 out of sum voted for the Support of Paupers during the year 1866


Just a minute in 1864: Diseases


Just a minute in 1865: Bureaucracy