Just a minute in 1864: Diseases

BENEVOLENT ASYLUM:  On the 1st January, 1864, there were thirteen inmates of the Benevolent Asylum, and between that date and the 31st December, eight were admitted – in all twenty-one. Of these, six were discharged, six died, and nine remain.

The number of patients (hospital and benevolent) remaining on 1st January, 1864, 35 males and 3 females; admitted, 247 males and 46 females; discharged, 231 males and 41 females; died, 17 males and 4 females; remaining on 1st January, 1865, 34 males and 4 females.

List of the diseases treated in the Ipswich Hospital during the year 1864, with the number of each:

asthma, 2 encephalitis, 1 inflamoculi, 5 pericarditis, 1 ambustionies, 5 exostosis, 2 inflammatio pedis, 2 rheumatismus acutus, 6 amenorrhoea, 1 febris, 26 inflammatio auris,  1 rheumatismus diuturnys, 12 ascities, 2 fistula in ano, 1 inflammatio pulmonis, 1 scrofula, 1 bronchitis, 6 fractura radii, 2 insania, 2 syphilis, 12 bubo femoralis, 1 fractura ulnae, 1 injuria manus, 1 sarcoma, 5 caries, 2 fractura humeri, 2 injuria cruris, 1 stricture urethrae, 3 corneaitis, 4 fractura clavis, 4 injuria genu, 1 stricture intestine, 1 conjunctivitis, 1 fractura pubis, 1 injuria spinae, 1 scorbutus, 3 concussio oculi, 1 fractura scapulae, 1 injuria tarsi, 2 spermatorrhoae, 3 chancre, 1 fractura cranii, 2 morbus coxae, 1 tumor cerebelli, 1 catarrh, 3 fractura fibulae, 1 regius, 3 tumor maxillae inferioris, 1 cystis, 3 fractura tibiae, 6 morbus renalis, 1 vermes, 1 dysenteria, 9 fractura patellae, 1 morsus anguis, 2 ulcus, 16 diarrhoea, 5 fractura  femoris, 1 ophthalmia, 5 vulnera varia, 5 dyspepsia, 2 granular conjuntivae, 4 paraphlegia, 1 vulnera abdominis, 1 diphtheria, 10 gonorrhoeal opthalmia, 1 phthisis, 10 vulnera cruris, 5 delirium tremens, 3 gonorrhoea, 1 paralysis, 1 vulnera capitis, 4 debilitas, 5 hydrocele, 1 pleuritic, 6 vulnera pedis, 3 epilepsia, 1 humerus luxatus, 1 palpitation cordis, 2 vulnera brachii, 1 erysipelas, 3 inflammation manus, 3 pneumonia, 2 vulnera gutturis 1 entropium, 1 inflammation tarsi, 2 peritonitis, 2 venae varicosae, 1

Nov 13th:  Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to make an application to the Government for a Grant of £500.0.0 to enable the Committee to erect a Building, on the upper portion of the Hospital Ground for the reception of Fever cases as the present accommodation in the Hospital is exhausted and the patients in consequence are so overcrowded as to endanger contagion. The proposed building to be constructed of wood. The dimensions 40 feet in length & 35 feet in breadth more or less according to circumstances.

Resolved also that the Government be requested to lend to the Hospital from three to six large tents, in which patients, under the direction of the Medical Officers, may be placed in the present emergency.

Nov 24th:  Letter from the Colonial Secretary read in reply to the statement of insufficient accommodation in the Hospital made on the 13th.-. The Government proposing to remove the Benevolent patients to Dunwich.


Just a minute in 1866: Bigotry or Best Practice? Selecting the Matron


Just a minute in 1865: Money matters