Just a minute in 1865: Bureaucracy

9th March:           The desirability of the Patients admitted during the week , appearing before the Committee (as formerly) was considered, and being approved, they were severally called in, & it was suggested to each, that on their leaving the Hospital, Convalescent, they should as early as practicable, make a small contribution towards its funds.  One of the Patients having been sent from the Immigration Depot, by the Supt there, it was resolved that a fitting opportunity be taken to enquire into the matter, & if there was any arrangement to excuse such.

22nd June:            The Minutes of the previous Meeting being read & confirmed, the secretary reported having written to the Immigration Dept, in accordance with instructions received at the last meeting.

29th June:            The Minutes of the previous Meeting having been read & confirmed, the secretary reported having written to the Immigration depot & read the reply received therefrom.

Resolved that Mr I. P. Welsby be requested to meet the Committee on Thursday next at 4 o’clock P M.

6th July:                       Mr I. P. Welsby attended (in accordance with the Sec. letter requesting the same) to give explanation respecting the patients received from the Immigration Depot.

Resolved that the House Surgeon be requested to draw up an account of such patients in detail, for transmission to the Depot

24th August:        Mr Heeney sent in a Report of the patients received from the Immigration Depot. The Secretary to forward the said report to Mr I. P. Welsby requesting a Cheque for the amount charged.

31st August:         A letter received from Mr I. P, Welsby stating that he had forwarded the Report of Patients received from the Depot for Immigrants to the Head Office at Brisbane.

7th September:   A letter read from Mr I. P. Welsby stating that all applications for payment for patients received from the Immigration Depot must be made out in triplicate on printed forms to be obtained at the Police Court.

5th October:        Letter from the Immigration Office read to the effect that the Government would not entertain any charge made for Patients received therefrom into the Hospital.


Just a minute in 1865: Money matters


Just a minute in 1865: Suffer the Little Children