Just a minute in 1874: The Great Police Break-in

At a meeting of the Acting Committee held on the 11th day of December 1874


The Dispenser reported that the police had on the 5th instant left the dead body of one Abraham Leitch in the Dead-house after violently forcing open the door thereof. The Secretary was instructed to write to the Sub Inspector requesting an explanation why the corpse was taken there and why violence was resorted to on the occasion.


At a meeting of the Acting Committee held on the 17th day of December 1874


Read report of Senior Constable Luttrell received from Sub. Inspector Judge in reply to letter of the12th inst. Resolved that the inspector be informed that the report is not satisfactory, inasmuch as the Committee are not aware that any order to the effect stated was ever given by the Premier, and further that no explanation is offered why the police left the corpse in the dead-house without consulting the Dispenser who is in charge of the Institution.


At a meeting of the Acting Committee held on the 24th day of December 1874,


Read report in reply from Sub Inspector Judge. The Committee consider it is not satisfactory, no reason being given why the police took upon themselves to act without consulting the Dispenser; but as Mr. Judge has now left the District no further notice need to be taken of the matter; the police Magistrate having assured the Dispenser there will be no recurrence of a similar proceeding.


Rose Jane Langford


Just a minute in the 1860s: The Price of Things