Just a minute in the 1860s: The Price of Things

The Hospital Minutes, over 10 years, record various purchases and contracts, for supplies and services. Prices fluctuated with the economic situation and with seasonal variations in supply.

CONVERSIONS:      Length:  1 rod ? 5.02 m; 1 inch ? 2.54 cm

 Weight: 1Ton ? 1,016 kg. 1lb. (pound) ?454 gm; 1oz. (ounce) ?28.3 gm

Volume:  1 Gallon ? 4.546 liters; 1 quart? 1.14 liters; 1 pint ? 0.57 liters

Money: £1. (Pound) = $2; 1s. (Shilling) = 10c; 1d. (Penny) ? 0.83c; written £.s.d or s/d


WAGES AND SALARIES: 1863 (Paid quarterly in arrears. Board & lodging worth 10s per week incl.,)

All positions lived on site. Absence of more than 3 hours required permission.

Resident Dispenser £100.0.0 per annum     (medical supervisor)

Matron.                   £50.0.0 per annum       (housekeeper and maintenance of patients)

Nurse.                     £26.0.0 per annum     (female servant, care of patients)

Gardener.               £30.0.0 per annum         (male servant, grounds and outdoor work)

Messenger Boy.            8s per week              (errands to the town, assistance as required)


Meat. (Per lb.) Prime Beef 2d; Soup and Gravy pieces 1½d; Mutton 3d; Beef legs 1d;

Bread.  5½d per 2lb loaf: Arrowroot. 10d per lb.: Milk. 5d per quart: Pumpkins. £6 per ton;

Red Wine 21s. per doz. Bottles


 Blankets 10s a pair; Flannel shirts 4s/7d; Scotch twill shirts 4s; colored counterpane 4/6;

Grey calico 72 in. piece (a sheet) 1s/11d; grey calico 34 in. piece (pillow slip) 11½d


Firewood. 5s. per 2 horse load: Funerals. Adults £2, children £1.10.0:

Building Insurance 8s/£100 of cover: A small still 10s: Coal £5.4.0 per 5 ton load: Hay £1.15.0 per load: Sweep Chimneys 9 chimneys cost £1: Fencing. £1 per gatepost. Palings 17/6 per rod:

Conveyance of patient from Ipswich to Sydney. £3.5.0: Howards Quinine (medicine) 10/6 per oz.

Industrial School for Orphans. 5/- per week:



WAGES AND SALARIES: 1863 (Paid quarterly in arrears. Board & lodging worth $1 per week incl.,)

All positions lived on site. Absence of more than 3 hours required permission.

Resident Dispenser $200 per year     (medical supervisor)

Matron.                   $100 per year      (housekeeper and maintenance of patients)

Nurse.                     $56 per year       (female servant, care of patients)

Gardener.               $60 per year        (male servant, grounds and outdoor work)

Messenger Boy.            80c. per week           (errands to the town, assistance as required)


Meat. (Per Kg.) Prime Beef 3.7cents; Soup and Gravy pieces 2.75cents; Mutton 5.51cents; Beef legs 1.84cents each;

Bread.  5cents per 1kg loaf: Arrowroot. 18.4cents per kg.: Milk. 3.65 cents per liter: Pumpkins. 1.18cents per kilo;

Red Wine $2.10 per doz. Bottles


 Blankets $1 a pair; Flannel shirts 46c; Scotch twill shirts 40c; colored counterpane 45 c;

Grey calico 10.5 cents/metre


Firewood. 50c. per 2 horse load: Funerals. Adults $4, children $2.10:

Building Insurance 40c/$100 of cover: A small still $1: Coal $10.24 per 5,000 kg load: Hay $3.50 per load: Sweep Chimneys 9 chimneys cost $2: Fencing. $2 per gatepost. Palings 35cents/metre:

Conveyance of patient from Ipswich to Sydney. $6.50: Howards Quinine (medicine) $33.76 per Kg.

Industrial School for Orphans. 50cents per week:


Just a minute in 1874: The Great Police Break-in


Just a minute in 1866: Bigotry or Best Practice? Selecting the Matron