Just a minute in 1865: Hospital Hygiene

2nd February: …” The secretary was instructed to take action in the matter of a lavatory for the use of inmates of the institution, and also to secure a supply of hay for refilling bedding”…

30th March: …” The “Inspector of Nuisances” requested an interview with the Committee, which being granted, “The Inspector” called attention to the state of the Drainage from the Hospital which discharged into Court Street and had been reported as noxious to the neighborhood. To remedy this defect, it was resolved that immediate steps be taken for construction of a cesspit and that sewerage be utilized in the formation of a garden”

6th April: …”The Tender from Lockwood for trenching the Garden at £1 per rod was laid on the table, Resolved that the tender be rejected.”

13th July: ….”Resolved that a Valuator be employed to assess the charges made by Gorricker for the construction of a Drain”

….”the House Surgeon applied for a Bath for the use of Patients in certain cases”…

20th April: ….”The Valuator assessed the work done by Gorricker in laying a Drain at £1.14.0”

 7th Dec: ….” Resolved that the Matron be requested to confine her poultry to some portion of the grounds that they may not get into the garden.”…

 14th Dec: ….”Resolved that Mr Balding be requested to make an estimate for the construction of water closets in the Sick Wards.”…

4th Jan: ….”Resolved that the Employees of the Hospital be required to dispose of the pigs, poultry etc belonging to them on the premises and that no animals of this kind be allowed to be kept by them for the future”…

16th Feb: ….”Resolved that some pigs be procured to be kept on behalf of the Hospital”…


Just a minute in 1865: Nurses


ANZAC day commemoration: Our Nurses